APA In-Text Citation Example: Two Authors

APA In-Text Citation Example for 2 Authors

When it comes to academic writing, proper citation is crucial to ensure the credibility and integrity of your work. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is one of the most commonly used citation formats, especially in the fields of social sciences and psychology. In this article, we will explore an example of APA in-text citation for sources with two authors.

What do you mean by APA in-text citation?

APA in-text citation is a method used to acknowledge the sources you have used within the body of your research paper or essay. It is essential to give credit to the original authors and provide readers with the information necessary to locate the sources themselves. In-text citations typically include the author’s last name and the year of publication, and they are used whenever you paraphrase, quote, or refer to someone else’s work in your own writing.

How to format APA in-text citation with 2 authors?

In-Text Citations - APA Quick Citation Guide - LibGuides at
In-Text Citations – APA Quick Citation Guide – LibGuides at

When citing a source with two authors in APA style, include both authors’ last names and the publication year in parentheses. Separate the two names with an ampersand (&) rather than using and. Here’s an example:

(Smith & Johnson, 2019)

In-Text Citations: APA Style th Edition Student Paper
In-Text Citations: APA Style th Edition Student Paper

If the authors’ last names are mentioned in the sentence itself, you can exclude them from the parentheses. For instance:

According to Smith and Johnson (2019), quote or paraphrase the information here.

What is known about APA in-text citation for 2 authors?

In-Text Citations - APA Citation Style - LibGuides at National
In-Text Citations – APA Citation Style – LibGuides at National

APA in-text citation for sources with two authors offers a concise and effective way to acknowledge the contributions of multiple authors in your research paper. It allows readers to easily identify the sources you have used and locate them in the reference list at the end of your document. By following the APA guidelines for in-text citations, you demonstrate your commitment to academic integrity and give proper credit to the original authors.

Solution for APA in-text citation with 2 authors

When faced with the need to cite a source with two authors, the APA style offers a straightforward solution. Simply include both authors’ last names and the publication year in parentheses. Remember to use an ampersand (&) instead of and to separate the authors’ names. Alternatively, if the authors’ last names are already mentioned in the sentence, you can exclude them from the parentheses.

Additional Information on APA in-text citation for 2 authors

It is important to note that when citing sources with two authors, you should include both authors’ last names every time you refer to the source in your paper. However, if you cite the same source multiple times within the same paragraph, you can use the & symbol for subsequent citations. For example:

(Smith & Johnson, 2019) … (Smith & Johnson) … (Smith & Johnson)

Moreover, if your source has three or more authors, you should use the first author’s last name followed by et al. in subsequent citations.


Citing sources properly is a fundamental aspect of academic writing, and APA in-text citation allows you to acknowledge the contributions of multiple authors in a clear and concise manner. By following the guidelines provided in this article, you can ensure that your research paper or essay is properly formatted and in compliance with APA style. Remember to always give credit to the original authors and provide readers with the information they need to locate the sources themselves.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I use et al. for sources with two authors in APA in-text citation?

No, you should include both authors’ last names when citing sources with two authors in APA in-text citation. Et al. is used when a source has three or more authors.

2. What if both authors have the same last name in APA in-text citation?

If both authors share the same last name, include their first initials in the in-text citation to avoid confusion. For example: (R. Smith & J. Smith, 2020).

3. Should I include page numbers in APA in-text citation for sources with two authors?

Page numbers are only required for direct quotations. For paraphrased or summarized information, the page number is not necessary in APA in-text citation.

4. How should I arrange the authors’ names in APA in-text citation?

In APA in-text citation, list the authors’ names in the same order as they appear on the source. Use an ampersand (&) to separate the last two authors’ names.

5. Can I use APA in-text citation for online sources?

Yes, APA in-text citation is applicable to both print and online sources. However, for online sources without page numbers, you can use paragraph numbers or section headings to indicate the location of the cited information.