APA In-Text Citation Example: Including Two Authors In A Text Citation

APA In-Text Citation Example with Two Authors

What do you mean by APA in-text citation example with two authors?

APA in-text citation refers to the process of citing sources within the body of your research paper or article. This style is commonly used in the social sciences and provides readers with brief information about the source you are referencing. When using APA style, you need to include the author’s last name and the publication year of the source in parentheses within the text.

When you have a source with two authors, the in-text citation format slightly differs from that of a single author. It is important to understand the correct way to cite sources with two authors to avoid plagiarism and give proper credit to the original authors.

How to cite sources with two authors in APA style?

In-Text Citations - Citing While Writing Using APA - GSU Library
In-Text Citations – Citing While Writing Using APA – GSU Library

To cite sources with two authors in APA style, follow the guidelines below:

Include both authors’ last names and the publication year in parentheses.
Use an ampersand (&) between the two authors’ last names.
Place the citation directly after the information you have paraphrased or quoted from the source.
Include the page number if you are directly quoting a specific passage.

In-Text Citations: APA Style th Edition Student Paper
In-Text Citations: APA Style th Edition Student Paper

Here’s an example of an APA in-text citation with two authors:

In-Text Citations - APA Citation Style - LibGuides at National
In-Text Citations – APA Citation Style – LibGuides at National

(Smith & Johnson, 2021)

If you are directly quoting a passage, you should include the page number as well:

(Smith & Johnson, 2021, p. 45)

What is known about APA in-text citation example with two authors?

APA in-text citation example with two authors is a widely used method for acknowledging and referencing sources in academic writing. It is essential to provide proper credit to the authors and avoid plagiarism by citing sources accurately. This specific citation style is used across various disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and education, among others.

Using in-text citations with two authors helps readers locate the original source if they wish to explore it further. It allows researchers to demonstrate the evidence and support for their arguments, while also giving due credit to the authors who have contributed to the scholarly conversation.

Solution for citing sources with two authors in APA style

To create an accurate in-text citation with two authors in APA style, follow these steps:

Identify the authors’ last names.
Identify the publication year of the source.
Place the authors’ last names and the publication year in parentheses within the text.
Use an ampersand (&) between the two authors’ last names.
Add the page number if you are directly quoting a specific passage.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your APA in-text citation accurately reflects the source’s authors and publication year. This helps readers locate the complete reference in your reference list and aids in maintaining academic integrity.

Additional Information

It is important to note that the order in which the authors’ names appear in the in-text citation matches the order in which they are listed in the source’s reference entry. Additionally, if a source has more than two authors, you can use the first author’s last name followed by et al. when citing the source in subsequent citations.

Furthermore, if the source you are citing does not have an identified author, you can use the first few words of the title in the in-text citation instead.


Accurately citing sources with two authors in APA style is crucial for maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism. By following the guidelines provided, you can create proper in-text citations that give credit to the original authors. Remember to include both authors’ last names and the publication year, and add the page number when directly quoting. Consistent and correct citation practices enhance the credibility and reliability of your research paper or article.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are there any exceptions to the in-text citation format for sources with two authors?

No, the format for in-text citations remains the same for sources with two authors. Always include both authors’ last names and the publication year in parentheses, separated by an ampersand (&).

2. What if the source has more than two authors?

If a source has more than two authors, use the first author’s last name followed by et al. when citing the source in subsequent citations. However, in the first citation, list all the authors’ last names.

3. Do I need to include the page number in the in-text citation for paraphrased information?

No, the page number is optional for paraphrased information. However, it is recommended to include the page number when directly quoting a specific passage.

4. Can I use the in-text citation format for sources without identified authors?

If a source does not have an identified author, you can use the first few words of the title in the in-text citation. However, it is better to provide an identified author whenever possible.

5. Where should I place the in-text citation within the sentence?

The in-text citation should appear directly after the information you have paraphrased or quoted from the source. Place it before the ending punctuation mark of the sentence.