APA Bibliographic Citation Example: A Guide To Properly Citing Sources In APA Format

Bibliographic Citation Example APA: A Comprehensive Guide


When conducting research or writing academic papers, it is essential to properly cite the sources you use. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is one of the most commonly used citation formats, especially in the field of social sciences. In this article, we will explore the concept of bibliographic citation in APA style, how to create one, known examples, and provide a solution to help you master this crucial aspect of academic writing.

What is a Bibliographic Citation?

APA Annotated Bibliography Guide With Examples  Bibliography
APA Annotated Bibliography Guide With Examples Bibliography

A bibliographic citation, also known as a reference or citation, is a way to acknowledge and provide detailed information about the sources you have used in your work. It allows readers to locate the original sources and verify the accuracy of your claims. A proper citation demonstrates the depth of your research, enhances the credibility of your work, and avoids plagiarism.

How to Create a Bibliographic Citation in APA Style

How to Write an APA Format Bibliography
How to Write an APA Format Bibliography

Creating a bibliographic citation in APA style involves following a specific format for different types of sources, including books, articles, websites, and more. Here is a general structure to help you understand the components of an APA citation:

Author(s): Include the last name and initials of all authors. If there are more than seven authors, include the first six authors’ names, followed by an ellipsis (…) and the last author’s name.

Year of Publication: Provide the year the source was published. Enclose the year in parentheses.

Title of the Work: Italicize the title of the work, whether it is a book, article, or web page.

Source Information: Depending on the type of source, provide additional information, such as the name of the journal, volume/issue number, page range, DOI, or URL.

Bibliographic Citation Example in APA Style

To illustrate the APA citation format, let’s consider a book as an example:

Author(s): Smith, J. K. & Johnson, A. B.

Year of Publication: (2022)

Title of the Book: The Art of Writing

City, State/Country of Publication: New York, NY: Publishing Company.

If the book has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL, it should be included at the end of the citation. Additionally, for journal articles, the title of the journal, volume/issue number, and page range should be mentioned.

Solution: APA Citation Generators

Creating citations manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. To simplify the process, numerous online tools and citation generators are available. These tools allow you to input the necessary information, select the appropriate source type, and generate a correctly formatted APA citation instantly. Some popular citation generators include Citation Machine, EasyBib, and Zotero.


Mastering the art of bibliographic citation in APA style is essential for any student or researcher. It ensures that you give proper credit to the original authors, demonstrate the depth of your research, and maintain academic integrity. By following the guidelines provided in this article and utilizing citation generators, you can effortlessly create accurate and properly formatted APA citations for all your research papers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the importance of bibliographic citation?

Proper bibliographic citation is crucial as it acknowledges the original authors, enhances the credibility of your work, and provides readers with the ability to locate and verify the sources you have used.

2. Are there other citation styles apart from APA?

Yes, there are various citation styles, such as MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and more. Each style has its specific guidelines for formatting citations.

3. Can I use online citation generators for free?

Many citation generators offer free versions, allowing you to create citations quickly and easily. However, some advanced features may require a paid subscription.

4. Is it necessary to include DOI or URL in a citation?

Including DOI or URL is recommended, especially for online sources. It helps readers access the original source directly.

5. How do I cite sources with multiple authors?

For sources with multiple authors, mention the last names and initials of up to seven authors. If there are more than seven, include the first six names, followed by an ellipsis (…) and the last author’s name.